TaoStyx64 ShapeWays

ShapeWays makes excellent metal Start buttons (see the sample video below for a demo of quality).  The TaoStyx64 metal Start buttons are now dialed in very nicely! 

You can also buy bronze "gears" on the TaoStyx64 shapeways along with replacement teeth for these bronze gears.

There are also now affordable and decent quality bronze bowls available exclusively through ShapeWays for under $40.

There are many other things available, so you may want to check it out!

If you've never purchased anything on ShapeWays and intend to make an order larger than $100 (easy to do if wanting to buy some bronze gears + any other metal item), you can get a discount using the link below:

This is the "refer a friend" link which will get you a $20 discount on purchases over $100.  This code will only work if you are not on an IP address with which ShapeWays has associated an account.

If you already have an account and/or have used the above link, follow the link below to go to the TaoStyx64 ShapeWays:
Click here to see what TaoStyx64 has on ShapeWays!

The video below is an example of the amazingness that ShapeWays can do when making metal N64 start buttons.

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